Stuart Henderson schrieb:
> On 2006/05/18 10:06, Guido Tschakert wrote:
>> I also run a memorytest over a weekend with the only result that the
>> memory seems to be ok.
>> What else could freeze an OpenBSD box
>> !!!!
> Other hardware problems can occur that memtest won't show.
> Some are fixable (e.g. poor cooling), others can be due to
> failed components (cpu, motherboard, memory, PCI cards,..).
> Try some 'make build', maybe run 'stress' from packages at
> the same time. This won't tell you for sure that everything
> is good, but if it fails here too you know there's likely
> to be some hardware problem.
Ok, I try out.


in the last hours I had a kernel message because of Keyboard problems
(pckbc: command timeout)
and some messages of too many DMA segments
(stge0: Tx packet consumes too many DMA segments, dropping...)

I think I have a Mobo Problem, in the next day my dealer  will bring a
new board and we will see.



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