Ah, you mean the following section in pf.conf(5)

   bandwidth <bw>
         Specifies the maximum bitrate to be processed by the queue.  This
         value must not exceed the value of the parent queue and can be
         specified as an absolute value or a percentage of the parent
         queue's bandwidth.  If not specified, defaults to 100% of the par-
         ent queue's bandwidth.  The priq scheduler does not support band-
         width specification.

(in particular, the last sentence)

But you have to read this in context. This section is about queue
definitions, i.e. lines that start with 'queue ...'. Not the 'altq on
...' lines.

The 'altq on ...' lines ALWAYS support the 'bandwidth' option. In fact,
they require it. If you omit it, and an interface knows its link layer's
media baudrate, pfctl will simply fill that in for you (and do NOTHING
more magical, it's precisely the same as if you had specified it).

So, given that you have a line like

  altq on $ext_if priq bandwidth 200Kb queue { q_max, q_hig, q_def, q_low }

and you now define the queues like

  queue q_max priority 7
  queue q_hig priority 5
  queue q_def priority 3
  queue q_low priority 1 priq(default)

you can't use 'bandwidth' as option on those four lines (wouldn't make
sense to me, either). That's what the paragraph above means. And it's
clearly put in that context, read paragraph introducing the 'queue' options.


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