On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 02:12:21PM +0200, Martin Schrvder wrote:
> On 2006-05-05 13:30:50 -0600, Bob Beck wrote:
> > > It would be really great if some on can give advice on this topic :-)
> >
> >     This would fall under the category of
> >
> Which is wrong. Schneier advices to writing them down and keeping
> them safe. You already can do that with your wallet, right?
> Best
>     Martin

I agree.  People who say "don't write down your password" must either
have few or easy passwords (or a very good memory).
But good passwords aren't always easy and if you use different
passwords for different puposes you need more than a few.

There is no need to write down a password if you use "sunny4" on 123
websites to log into your accounts, to access your online banking and to
receive your e-mails.  But if you grant each account or webservice his
own "good" password, you sure will get problems when not writing them


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