
did you remember to configure the backup machine
with a higher advskew / advbase?
Are you running -stable?

I'm not aware of any other problems in 3.8 that might cause this.

On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 08:59:01AM +0200, Lars Weste wrote:
> Hi, 
> I have some problems with carp and vlans, at least I think so. 
> I found this: 
> http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/openbsd/cvs/2005-04/0996.html
> so my assumption may be wrong, as I use openbsd 3.8.
> I have four physical 
> interfaces in my two firewalls, one for pfsync, one to the Internet, DMZ 
> and LAN. At the LAN interface seven VLAN interfaces are configured. The 
> Internet and DMZ interfaces are on em(4) and the pfsync and LAN vlans on 
> a bge(4) interface. 
> When I remove one of the Internet or DMZ cables, all Interfaces on both 
> firewalls behave as expected, the Interface where the cable is removed, 
> goes to state INIT, the others become backup. When I do this with the LAN 
> interface, then all carp interfaces for the seven vlans go to master 
> state, but the two remaining carp interfaces for the Internet and DMZ 
> stay in backup mode.
> my configuration on both hosts:
> net.inet.carp.preempt=1
> net.inet.carp.allow=1
> net.inet.carp.arpbalance=0
> hostname.carp0
> !ifconfig em0 up
> vhid 1 carpdev em0 netmask up
> hostname.carp1
> !ifconfig em1 up
> vhid 1 carpdev em1 netmask up
> hostname.carp2 
> !ifconfig bge0 up
> !ifconfig vlan0 create
> !ifconfig vlan0 vlan 3 vlandev bge0 up
> vhid 1 carpdev vlan0 netmask up
> hostname.carp3 up to hostname.carp9 (only the vlan interface numbers and 
> ip addresses are different)
> !ifconfig vlan1 create
> !ifconfig vlan1 vlan 4 vlandev bge0 up
> vhid 1 carpdev vlan0 netmask up
> I also tried to use the em interfaces for the vlan devices, with the same 
> result, the interfaces do not stay in sync. assume the following: i 
> remove a cable from the backup host from the carp interfaces, doesn't 
> matter which one. The carp interface goes into init state, then i plug it 
> back in, and the interface goes into backup state. but with a chance of 
> about 1 of 5 the interface changes its state from backup to master, but 
> the other interfaces stay in backup mode. The second host has all 
> interfaces as master but the one as backup where at the first host the 
> corresponding interface is in master mode.
> I also tried with different vhid's on all interfaces, but with no 
> different results. Anybody knows how to keep the carp interfaces on the 
> vlan devices in same state with the carp interfaces bound to the physical 
> interfaces? Any hint would be greatly appreciated.
> lars
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