
>> hostname.carp2
>> !ifconfig bge0 up
>> !ifconfig vlan0 create
>> !ifconfig vlan0 vlan 3 vlandev bge0 up
>> vhid 1 carpdev vlan0 netmask

> I use the seperate hostname.if files instead of loading raw ifconfig
> commands. /etc/netstart does start physical interfaces, then vlans and
> finally carp. From memory:
> hostname.em0
> up
> hostname.em2
> inet NONE
> hostname.vlan100
> vlan 100 vlandev em0 up
> hostname.carp100
> vhid 100 carpdev vlan100
> inet NONE
> hostname.carp204
> vhid 204 carpdev em2
> inet NONE
>> Can someone clarify if it will work with 3.9 without ifstated?
> I'm running my routers from a 3.9 snapshot generated a couple days
> before 3.9 was tagged in CVS, and I've had no problems with carp on
> vlan on em. Did the failover tests and everything worked extremely
> well. One of the coworkers was online from home and didn't notice that
> I had pulled cables.
> I have had some network issues with bge interfaces, but I only have
> those in an NFS server so it's quite a different traffic pattern. You
> may want to try forcing speed and duplex, that fixed one of my bge
> problems.

I have no speed issues, the autonegotiation works fine for me. It is just 
when I unplug one of cables of one of the three carp interfaces, 
sometimes not all are switched to master or backup, sometimes only one, 
or two. Well, if I had stopped my testing after the first three cable 
unpluggings, then everything were perfect, but some try later i noticed 
the interfaces became out of sync.

that is my problem:
and i cannot find anything in the changelogs... where it states it is 
fixed in 3.9.

I already ordered CD's from Wim some weeks ago, just waiting.


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