--- Hannah Schroeter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> On Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 07:35:32AM +1000, Andrew Dalgleish wrote:
> >On Tue, Apr 04, 2006 at 08:56:39PM +0100, Jon Kent wrote:
> >> Can see your point here, but I prefer to play on the paranoid side
> of
> >> fence hence my dislike of this.  I'm not sure it should be there
> by
> >> default, rather if you like it you should add it.
> >Inexperienced users might add it to the beginning of PATH,
> >so having it at the end by default is a reasonable compromise.
> For that it'd be enough to have a line with dot at the end of the
> path in there, commented out, perhaps with a line like
> #If you really want the current directory in your path, you should
> #at least add it at the end, like this:
> #PATH=foo:bar:.
>       ^^^^^^^ Here copy the path you set by default, w/o .
> >Anyone with enough experience to know why they want it removed
> >also has enough experience to remove it themselves.
> "Secure by Default".
> >Regards,
> >Andrew Dalgleish
> Kind regards,
> Hannah.

If my suggestion is completely ridiculous, sorry.

But, if . is removed from the default path, wouldn't it make sense to
add in a comment in afterboot (8)?  It does seem to be a deviation from
the way that the other *nix's have there defaults.
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