On Fri, Mar 31, 2006 at 01:32:02AM +0200, Chris Alatakis wrote:
> OpenBSD 3.7 GENERIC#0 i386
> OpenSSH_4.1, OpenSSL 0.9.7d
> Doing public authentication for a user with example home directory:
> /var/www/home/myhomedir
> if there is no public read permissions for home directory
> example home is set 0751 rwxrwx--x or even 1711 or 1751 the daemon fails
> reading the file in ~/.ssh/authorized__keys even if the dir .ssh is
> chmod 755 and the file has world read permissions.

$ pwd
$ ls -l ..
total 4
drwx------  5 jonathan  jonathan  512 Apr  1 08:04 jonathan
$ ls -l .ssh/authorized_keys
-rw-------  1 jonathan  jonathan  407 Mar 20 16:11 .ssh/authorized_keys

> The public authentication fails with the error permission denied to read
> the above file in /var/log/authlog and ssh requests a password.
> Can u please tell me why Openssh needs read permissions  to home + home
> dir other than x to read a specified world readable file?
> Any workaround or an answer to this?
> -Chris

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