You didn't mention if you are only looking for NIDS,
so I will suggest the ossec hids to you.
I have been using it very sucessfully and it has been
much more useful the any NIDS that I have ever used
(just to be fair, I'm the developer of this project,
but I know some ISPs and companies that use it and
The ossec hids and an open source host-based intrusion
detection system. It performs log analysis, integrity
checking, rootkit detection, time-based alerting and
active response...

*oh yeah, it runs on OpenBSD. My development box is
OpenBSD :)

I don't need to say anything else :)

If you are interested, download it from:

More info:


Daniel B. Cid
dcid @ ( at )

--- "Hutger H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

> Hi folks,
> I've been looking for a consolidated IDS solution
> that I can deploy in
> my network. Snort is really a good option but
> currently it seems that
> they are charging for updates, it that true? I'd
> like to find out a free
> of charge Linux, or BSD, solution that can works as
> good as snort works
> and, rather with some successful deployment cases.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance,
> Hutger.

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