We need details of what type of machine you are trying to install OpenBSD.

If you cannot get a dmesg, boot from the install media again and take a video of the boot-up sequence with your phone. When you re-watch the video, pause it as needed and type up everything in the boot messages. It's typically over a hundred lines. Please do not attach a video to your email message. A less than ideal alternative to typing up every single character from the video is to take screenshots of each screen-full of boot text from your video and post those pictures somewhere on the web. Then you can link to those pictures in your email reply. Also read reports.html for anything I missed.

Also, is the architecture amd64? Does FreeBSD or Linux install just fine on it? Can you get a dmesg using FreeBSD?

On 2/26/25 09:29, Ian Darwin wrote:
On 2/26/25 12:23 PM, Mihai Popescu wrote:
I think you've been on this mailing list long enough to know what goes
into a usable problem report.
Let me say in another way: the computer is dead, no keystroke
registered, no NUMLOCK, no nothing. What the hell should i do, prepare
a serial interface with a second computer? Will i get something?

What is an "usable problem report" for this specific situation? I say
it hangs ... it should not, the previous installs worked fine, etc.

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