Hi I have a firewall that I’m trying to get working with mdns across different 
vlans. Chrome on the main network(ix0:network) doesn’t even pick up the 
chromecast and I have tried to allow MDNS as well as setting up openmdns but it 
still doesn’t work. On the IOS Devices(vlan2) AirPlay correctly shows the Rokus 
but when I click on any of the Rokus to connect it will say “Unable to connect 
to Roku.” I have also tried disabling all of the block rules between the vlans 
to no avail. My goal is to have mdns working on ix0 vlan2 vlan4 vlan6 and 
vlan10. Can someone tell me what I’m doing wrong or show me the documentation 
that’s appropriate for solving this issue?

Thank you,
Lewis Ingraham

Attachment: iosdevicenat
Description: Binary data

Attachment: mrouted.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pf.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: rc.conf.local
Description: Binary data

Attachment: roku3nat
Description: Binary data

Attachment: sysctl.conf
Description: Binary data

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