Hi, Here is your friendly reminder that it is still possible to submit your talk or tutorial submissions for the upcoming BSDCan 2025.
The conference website is up at https://www.bsdcan.org/2025/. If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please go to the call for papers page https://www.bsdcan.org/2025/papers.html to get oriented. Looking forward to seeing you in Ottawa! All the best, Peter (on the BSDCan program committee, https://www.bsdcan.org/2025/committee.html) -- Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team https://bsdly.blogspot.com/ https://www.bsdly.net/ https://www.nuug.no/ "Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic" delilah spamd[29949]: disconnected after 42673 seconds.