On 12/12/24 16:38, Janne Johansson wrote:
>> and things like that. In Java, we always had some CI server checking
>> various design guidelines like
>> A method should have only one return statement.
>> and things like this. In C this is very different due to e.g. lack of
>> exceptions and so. I am still failing to find semantic design guidelines
>> or best practices documentation for C which I believe OpenBSD developers
>> adhere to but never documented them somewhere. Could you please point me
>> to some documentation regarding this? Thank you.
> I think there was some codified "rules" in the old C-lint but as
> compilers grew better and less code (at least the native obsd code at
> that) showed issues that the linters could find, it was eventually
> removed. Stuff like "don't use gets(), sprintf(), strcpy()" is a rule
> that is enforced by the linker complaining as soon as someone uses
> such unsafe interfaces, combined with at least the kernel being built
> with -Wall -Werror to make sure the user is notified as soon as known
> bad constructs are added.
> Other "rules" like "put large local vars before smaller data types in
> functions or structs" is seen if you read a lot of OpenBSD code, but
> is probably more of an optimization to spill less dummy bytes than a
> fixed rule, though for 64 bit arches, not having to step over single
> bytes to access a 64bit entity in a packed struct may or may not be a
> problem for strict arches, but it is so easy to avoid by having larger
> first and smaller later that it is just how it is done.
> I don't think there will be a good complete set of semantic rules,
> somewhat due to lots of code being of different authors and ages, but
> also because if there had to be rules, it would more be "learn the
> environment you code in" than something like "don't use goto". The
> latter is easy to state, and easy to "test for" using scripts and
> programs, but the former has far more value in making your code
> better.

I am quite tired now and will need some sleep. I will try to come up
with an example the next day. One using pointer syntax and a while loop
and one using array syntax and a for loop. The first will make the
compiler produce something similar to what I would have written in
assembly directly. The latter will magically make the compiler start
generating SIMD instructions. I may be very wrong about this and things
just happened out of luck, but I'll give it a try the next day and
report back. Those linker warnings about using questionable functions
are of great help already, but this is not what I am heading after. Lets
see if I can come up with an example tomorrow.


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