
Just installed openbsd/amd64 snapshot, cwm and started an xterm to
install packages as a root user. Doing some ALT+TAB with another
terminal window and Firefox and suddenly my root xterm lost keyboard
input. It was impossible to type something, even after closing all
other windows.

Also my dmesg is full of strange characters like:

^?X\M^?\M-t\M^?\^N\^B \^A\^B\^A\^E\^D\^A  \^S  6c\^D\^P\^H
(\^T\M^@\M^D\^Aw @\^P\^H\M^@\M-N@\M^@\M^@\M-?\M^?\^Y\M^?
\M-%\M^@\^A6\M^@\^A\^E\M-<\^H@\M^@ \^P

It was clipped , but it is full of them.

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