David Diggles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a Mac SE/30 formatted with the A/UX slice partitions ready for a BSD
> install, just wondering if it's worth bothering to try OpenBSD before
> NetBSD.  Web site says it is untested/unsupported.  Anyone had any luck on
> one yet on one?
> --
> paradox://belief.system

>From a technical point of view there is no reason why it should not
work if you have enough memory. The code base is more or less en par
with NetBSD, it's just that the last time OpenBSD was tested on an SE30
was probably years ago. If you want to try it out, 3.9 includes new ADB
drivers and switched to wscons, hopefully also making the SE30 happy.

Just a word of warning, it will be dead slow and without ethernet as
useful as a 'shoebox'.

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