I didn't replied for the marketing smell too. Mouse spec are not quoted, 
Indeed, I can add that the problem is a classic one for certain KVM whose
ghost (linux) driver coupled is not 100% compatible with the mouse of choise.
But here he said the problem *will happen* without KVM too.
Indeed I suggest to change 7.6 graphics to a *mouse guillotine*.


Nick Holland <n...@holland-consulting.net>:

>> David Colburn wrote:
>>> When I use a KVM to switch mouse and keyboard between computers (one Linux, 
>>> one OpenBSD) -
>>> OpenBSD goes into an un recoverable error loop "uhub2: device problem, 
>>> disabling port 3"
>>> (This also happens if I have a mouse and keyboard directly plugged into the 
>>> OpenBSD pc and unplug them.)
>>> Is there a way to tell OpenBSD to ignore the disconnect, please?
>>> BTW1: I'm still running 7.5 for the moment.
>>> BTW2: I did try various Searches for an answer.
>>> BTW3: Dell OptiPlex 7050 (doesn't happen with Linux on any hardware)
>>> Thanks.
> You provided NOTHING about your system other than a marketing model
> number.  So even if I had one sitting on my shelf, I have zero reason
> to believe your Optiplex 7050 is the same as or even remotely similar
> to my hypothetical Optiplex 7050.
> Some machines have crappy USB hw.  Some USB hw is crappy.  Having
> played with quite a few of them, I'd go as far as to say, the majority
> of KVM systems are crap.  Not even "crappy", implying some crap-like
> qualities, but outright and utter crap.  All of them are tested with
> Windows, some are tested with Linux, few are tested with any other OS.
> "Testing" consists of applying power, seeing something resembling
> function and shipping it.
> Remove the KVM from the question.  Now swap out other bits of HW until
> you find the part that's the issue.  Now provide a proper bug report.

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