I just wait for someone who tried Fuguita rsync capabilities and know that before to answer me. Fuguita rsyncs any change to the system from ram to disk (both to same instance and to a new instance), from config to package addition to home files changes. Sorry, if I'm smartely short on your answer. Indeed, I hope to appear polemic as well..
Just to add to my statement..I'm talking about what can figure nice both like a good software tool for who has two identical instances of OpenBSD in his development environment, and like an enterprise tool to update multiple identical OpenBSD instances. Fantasticatinc further, it also appears like a nice freemium tool to contribute to OpenBSD Fundation, but it is not in my interest to state this ;) -Dan Oct 24, 2024 19:47:11 Anon Loli <anonl...@autistici.org>: > If you meant updating a computer with OpenBSD on it?