Does OpenBSD support any file systems with built-in checksums to (try to) ensure metadata and/or data integrity in the face of "bit rot" disk (or memory/cpu/USB) errors? I'm not looking for ZFS-style storage pools or logical volume management, "just" checksums to catch silent metadata and/or data corruption.
Softraid 1, 5, or 1C could in theory do this, but with a large space overhead (a factor of 2 to detect errors, or 3 to correct errors). And, the current (7.5) man pages don't mention any option to have each read read all the chunks and verify that they're identical. And a related question: I have a pool of ~10 external USB3 backup disks (all consumer-grade WD or Seagate 2.5" spinning rust, either 2TB or 4TB capacity each), all currently setup with FFS2 filesystems on top of softraid crypto (/bioctl -c C/). Each backup is to a single disk, written with (roughly speaking) rsync -aHESvv --delete /home/ /mnt/home/ Each disk thus has slightly different contents depending on how recently I did a backup to that disk, but the vast majority of the files (those that haven't changed recently) should be identical across disks. [Before anyone asks: Yes, I regularly rotate some of the disks offsite. And yes, I regularly restore files "in anger".] Each backup disk somewhat more than 1e13 bits, so at an unrecoverable bit error rate of 1e-14 or 1e-15 for consumer disks there's a non-trivial chance of a bit error somewhere in my backup pool. Thinking about how to detect/correct bit-rot in these backups, it occurs to me that I could hack up some Perl to walk the filesystem tree on a mounted backup disk, /stat()/ and read each file, and build a database of (pathname, inode mtime, checksum) tuples. (I could either ignore symlinks, or checksum the result of /readlink()/.) Then given such databases for a bunch of disks, a bit more Perl could read all the databases, find all the files with matching pathname and inode mtime (so that the contents should be the same, given that my usage of /rsync/ preserves /mtime/), look for differing checksums, and for any differences, majority-vote the checksums to identify which copy or copies is in error. But before I reinvent the wheel, can anyone point me to software which already does this? Bonus points if the software is already in ports. Thanks, -- -- "Jonathan Thornburg [remove -color to reply]" <> on the west coast of Canada "The programmers outside looked from Web 2.0 firm to AI company, and from AI company to Web 2.0 firm, and from Web 2.0 firm to AI company again; but already it was impossible to say which was which." -- /Ars Technica/ comment by /ubercurmudgeon/, 2024-05-09 >