
> there's supposed to be a directory here: /usr/sbin/chroot/ but
> chroot is actually a file.
/usr/sbin/chroot *should* be a file: it's the binary of the chroot(8)[0]
command; chroot, as explained in the reddit link, is a way to restrict
a command to a directory. This directory is sometimes referred to as
"a chroot" or "a chroot directory", but it shouldn't be confused with the
/usr/sbin/chroot binary.

The chroot directory may need to be setup carefully, as the command
may expect to find a few things in there; for example lighttpd seems to
assume that there's a /dev/null available.

The reddit link contains additional bits on how to setup a chroot
directory with a working /dev/null. The chroot directory used by
lighttpd should be configurable via server.chroot in lighttpd.conf
(default seems to be /var/www/).

If you've never done it before, I strongly suggest to toy around with
chroot (e.g. try to create a dumb chroot containing ls, cat and
a few text files).

Hope it'll help,

[0]: https://man.openbsd.org/man8/chroot.8

On Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 8:03 PM David Colburn <q...@kd4e.com> wrote:

> I didn't see this on the mailing list so am trying again ...
> Dell OptiPlex 7050
> OpenBSD 7.5
> php 8.3.10
> lighttpd-1.4.74-mysql
> I'm using root.
> "*rcctl -df start lighttpd*" errors
> "*daemonized server failed to start; check error log for details doing
> _rc_rm_runfile (failed)*"
> error.log says:
> "...
> (/usr/obj/ports/lighttpd-1.4.74-mysql/lighttpd-1.4.74/src/configfile.c.1981)
> opening /dev/null failed: No such file or directory"
> "...
> (/usr/obj/ports/lighttpd-1.4.74-mysql/lighttpd-1.4.74/src/configfile.c.1935)
> Opening errorlog failed: No such file or directory"
> According to this:
> https://www.reddit.com/r/openbsd/comments/nygjdm/lighttpd_cant_find_devnull_on_69/
> there's supposed to be a directory here: /usr/sbin/chroot/ but chroot is
> actually a file.
> I'm not sure how to proceed to fix the dev/null problem ...
> Thanks

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