It's me again... :)

OK, working in OpenBSD [hostname] 7.6 GENERIC.MP#247 amd64

I was able to get bsdauth to work successfully.

So, now I have moved to looking at file auth.

In man radiusd_file I see...
     The module supports the following configuration key and value:

     path path
             The path for the file written in the syntax described in

So, in my radiusd.conf I place:

module load file "/usr/libexec/radiusd/radiusd_file path

And I see ...

# radiusd -d -f /etc/radius/radiusd.conf
Failed to execute /usr/libexec/radiusd/radiusd_file path
/etc/radius/radiusd.users: No such file or directory

Could not load module `file': module didn't respond
/etc/radius/radiusd.conf:28: module `file' is not found
radiusd: config error

[root@t05-openbsd76 /etc/radius] # ls -al /etc/radius/radiusd.users
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  391 Aug 16 18:51 /etc/radius/radiusd.users

Where have I gone astray?

(suggestion, maybe provide an example in the radiusd_file man page to
show how the syntax for the file path should be presented.)


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