On 2024-08-06, Y C <yogi9...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I=E2=80=99m seeking assistance with 802.1x security support using OpenBSD 7=
> .3 as a
> firewall/router.
> Here=E2=80=99s a depiction of my setup: I am attempting to use 802.1x secur=
> ity on a
> client VM.
> **RADIUS Server VM (Ubuntu OS)** ------ connected -------- **Authenticator
> VM (Ubuntu OS)** --------------connected ----- **(vic0) OpenBSD Router
> (vic1)** --- **Client VM (Ubuntu)**
> When the OpenBSD Router is not present, everything functions correctly.
> With OpenBSD router, When 802.1x security is disabled, pinging between all
> VMs works, and the interface is able to connect.
> On OpenBSD:
>    -
>    I have created a bridge.
>    -
>    Added two interfaces, vic0 and vic1, into bridge0.
>    -
>    Allowed `net.ip.inet.forwarding=3D1`.
>    -
>    In pf.conf added 'pass all' one rule only.
> The RADIUS Server authenticates the client request. The Authenticator VM
> passes the packets to the server using the hostapd utility. On the client,
> I am using a UI-based method to set up the 802.1x security.
> My question is: Why are EAPOL packets not being forwarded by the OpenBSD
> Router?

EAPoL frames wouldn't be forwarded by a _router_ anyway as they are not IP.

The MAC address used, 01:80:C2:00:00:03, is part of the 01:80:C2:00:00:0x
set of "MAC Bridge Filtered MAC Group Addresses" (802.1d) that a switch
is not supposed to forward.

There is a special purpose "mini switch" in OpenBSD, tpmr(4), that only
handles two ports. That one _can_ be configured to permit these protocols
(see the manual, it only talks about LACP/STP but EAPoL should be handled
the same) which might let you do what you want.

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