2024-06-28T12:51:32Z "Dan" <d...@nnnne-o-o-o.com>:
> Could you give us a little insight about the X settings concerning the 
> keyboard (type and layout)
> and the layout of OpenBSD..

I use the altgr-intl variant of the us layout under X:
setxkbmap -layout us -variant altgr-intl

Other than that I modify the key repeat rate under X with the following:
xset r rate 350 35

But even without this, the issue persists.

> Are you experiencing bad key mappings by case?
> I try to remember..I experienced same stuff playing with the layout of my 
> dell usb keyboards..

No. My external USB keyboard works just fine. It's just the keyboard of
the laptop that seems to have the issue.

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