On 6/27/24 22:23, Bryan Vyhmeister wrote:
I'm looking at purchasing a Dell Latitude rugged laptop that has an
option for a u-blox GPS card. It is a fairly expensive option and I am
wondering if anyone has been able to get one of these cards to work with
ntpd in OpenBSD. I have searched the archives and have not been able to
find reports of a device that works fine but hopefully that is a good
sign. Anyone use one of these u-blox GPS cards?


I have a precision GPS-disciplined oscillator which contains
a u-blox gps module. It connects to one machine via a serial port and works well
as a time reference. The NMEA data comes through perfectly.

You'd have to figure out what device the OS will see - serial? usb? ??
The only interface I've -seen- for them is serial but that doesn't mean
something else hasn't been made.

Then, perhaps harder, is finding a program to use the data.

Geoff Steckel

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