I finally made it!

OpenBSD/sgi (silikon.lan) (tty00)      :)

# uname -a
OpenBSD silikon.lan 3.8 GENERIC#164 sgi

here are a few pics of my environment:

I will prolly write a doc just as last time I was playing with
diskless on OpenBSD ( for
the installation of obsd on SGI O2 R12000.

I know there's a INSTALL.sgi, but still a lean R12k specific doc will
hopefully help somebody. I agree with whoever who wrote the
INSTALL.sgi that the installtion can be _tricky_.

btw, I attached a dmesg.

my next mission is to get X running on 'silikon'. I haven't found any
specific documentation about that at all...

thank you pefo making sgi arch supported.
BKW - Bachman Kharazmi
bahkha AT gmail DOT com
uin: #24089491

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which had 
a name of dmesg_SGI_O2_R12000]

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