Besides the other comments I'd use tcpdump to see if there was any response 
from the DHCP server.

In addition configuring the interface using the IP address assigned by DHCP is 
a really bad idea.  Someday that address could get assigned to a different 
system, this will most occur when you least expect it.

Fixing a problem is always better than a bandaid solution.  


On May 27, 2024 8:38:42 AM MDT, Souji Thenria <> wrote:
>On Mon May 27, 2024 at 1:51 PM BST, Chris Narkiewicz wrote:
>> I have a netcup VPS and it crashed recently. After service restoration
>> and fsck, the system cannot obtain IPv4 using autoconf.
>> I'm wondering how I can debug DHCP autoconfiguration.  dhclient -v -d
>> doesn't show anything, as the functionality has been mmoved to
>> ifconfig.
>> ifconfig vio0 debug doesn't print anything.
>> Best regards,
>> Chris Narkiewicz
>Hi Chris,
>I had the same issue with one of my VPSs hosted at netcup after I
>rebooted it some weeks ago. It looked like the DHCP server did not
>In the end, I assigned my IP address statically and removed the DHCP

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