On Wed May 22, 2024 at 4:46 PM BST, Am Jam wrote:
Your tip led me in the right direction and I now have what I need. Thank

Glad I could help.

One thing to note. I had to add the following line to get everything to
-   location "/" { block return 301 "$https://$SERVER_NAME/index.php"; }

I added this line because, for some reason, without this line, navigating
to "www.domain.com" would fail.
But I noticed that navigating specifically to "www.domain.com/index.php"

You might be able to resolve this, by putting the directory index
        directory index "index.php"

in this location context:
        location "/*.php*" {
                root "/nextcloud"
                fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock"

I'm not sure if you can specify the directory index for an entire server
context or if you need to define it inside a location context.

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