On Sun, May 12, 2024 at 01:40:25PM +0200, Walter Alejandro Iglesias wrote:
> > Unix development. Given that i've been using computers for a few 
> > decades, i still instinctively don't use spaces in filenames, even 
> > though they're very much allowed. But of course, that's not what 
> > most of the world does, and this is an example of trying to work 
> > out what the best tradeoffs might be when dealing with the 
> > messiness of the real world.
> I overlooked this in my example because I *never* use spaces, UTF-8 or
> any special characters to name my file names.  Lately, I finally
> persuaded my wife to use Linux, after decades of having to use Windows.
> Even when I educated her in this matter she has clients who send her
> files named with any kind of crap, so taking care of this issue is still
> convenient.
I download a lot of files with a hideous mess of characters. I wrote a
small script to substitute in acceptable characters. I can enter a
regex, select to just use a directory or go down recursively. Also I can
select to only change filenames or directories or both.
After reading this thread I see I need to update the script.
Chris Bennett

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls 
the past."
 George Orwell - 1984

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