On Sat, May 04, 2024 at 05:56:10PM +1000, Brett Mahar wrote: > Hi misc, > > I am getting a Pinebook Pro soon and just wondering how many hours the > battery tends to last from a full charge with OpenBSD?
I ran openbsd on my PBP for a while. To answer your question: a lot less than Linux. The lack of hardware accelerated video *anything* on the PBP (unless this has changed in the last couple of releases) will murder your battery life and make videos rather stuttery. This may be at least partially resolved since I last used it (I don't know if mali drivers would be pulled in during a resync of DRM,) but another thing to be aware of with installing OpenBSD is that (again, unless I'm out of date) there's no tty driver. This means you'll have to do the installation with a 3.5mm to serial adapter. The Pine store sells defective ones, but you can take your chances if you like. You can also repair them if you like. From the factory they're specced to put 5v on the PBP which is expecting 3.3v. It probably won't fry your laptop, but it might. I think it's just swapping one resistor in the cable. Just a heads up. I'd be curious if the experience is much better these days, but given how garbage even support for Linux is when Pine nominally "supports" linux on their products, I'm not holding out too much hope. Best of luck, Danny