
The best docs I've seen are the ones in OpenBSD they praise to provide very 
nice docs, Linux by fare sucks in this regard the issue is most people who 
provide howtos are just kids who try to setup a web server and document how 
they did it, as well as you get 45 people replying the same out come but in 
different wording which makes it confusing, but it's how the BSD community is 
these days. I still run OpenBSD as a server but I stopped using FreeBSD as I 
don't see how putong all the basics of a is in the ports tree and how 
installing OpenBSD and having a working GUI and just need to install either 
gbome xfce or kde while others require you to spend time messing with drm since 
it's a port it doesn't get the same testing, then you have to add it in and 
setup x11 for simple people this is too much work and this is why I've started 
using Open or Net.
Too find good searches on Google is pretty much a dead boss and IRC is more 
about pride and I know more and you're doing it wrong and I'm right to make it 
a waste of time as well so your best bet if reading man pages or asking for 
help on a ML

Sadmy these projects you need to search before you buy you can't just buy a 
computer and expsct it to work in any BSD to be fare however OpenBSD has less 
bs in regards to drivers and the fact that fw_update makes it easier. Never 
understood the whole let's place this driver in the ports tree they make it as 
hard as it can be to install it without any internet ??


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-------- Original Message --------
On 5/4/24 4:46 PM, Kirill A. Korinsky <kir...@korins.ky> wrote:

>  On Sat, 04 May 2024 22:32:46 +0200,
>  Chris Bennett <cpb_m...@bennettconstruction.us> wrote:
>  >
>  > My luck with web searches is about zero. Even swapping to different
>  > search engines just gives me crap that's too old or ridiculously wrong.
>  >
>  I have a strong feeling that LLM models adds too much "new" text that makes
>  the OpenBSD community, which is quite small... how can I put it? Well, it
>  looks like that search engine like Google or Bing seems this community to be
>  too small fraction of knowledge which isn't worth to be indexed.
>  Yes, the indexes include some old sites, but it looks like the mail listings
>  are ignored, for example.
>  --
>  wbr, Kirill

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