On 3/23/06, Bob Bostwick (Lists) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is that why /snapshots/packages/i386/ is not available?  I'm probably
> going to get yelled at for asking this, but I really don't know the
> answer.  I just upgraded to -current, if I can't use
> /snapshots/packages/i386/ for installing packages, where should I
> install from?  Yes I ordered a 3.9 CD, but would like to use this system
> before the release.  Do I have to re-install 3.8?  Yes I am installing
> what I can from /usr/ports/xxx (yes I updated that too) but some things
> I want are not in there...

This has been beaten to death in other threads. The developers are
busy making sure that OpenBSD 3.9 is going to be released on schedule,
and don't really have that much time to spend on snapshots (right
now). If you really want to follow current, try getting the current
ports tree and compiling the packages yourself until the packages dir
is back in the snapshots dir.


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