Hi all,
With the new firewall I am setting up I cannot connect to the internet.
That starts with traceroute, so let's start there. Ping works fine.
Below I have listed my pf.conf file.
ext_if = igc0 # Extern interface
int_if = "{ igc1, igc2 }" # Intern interfaces
localnet = ""
tcp_services = "{ smtp, domain, www, auth, http, https, pop3, pop3s }"
udp_services = "{ domain, ntp }"
email = "{ smtp, imap, imaps, imap3, pop3, pop3s }"
icmp_types = "{ echoreq, unreach }"
icmp6_types = "{ echoreq, unreach }"
nameservers = "{, }"
client_out = "{ ssh, domain, pop3, auth, nportntp, http, https, \
446, cvspserver, 2628, 5999, 8000, 8080 }"
Martians = "{,,, \, 169.254, 0.0/16,, \, }"
set skip on lo
# By default, do not permit remote connections to X11
block return in on ! lo0 proto tcp to port 6000:6010
block log all # block stateless traffic
block in quick on $ext_if from $martians to any
block out quick on $ext_if from any to $martians
# Letting ping through:
pass log on inet proto icmp icmp-type $icmp_types
pass log on inet6 proto icmp6 icmp6-type $icmp6_types
# Allow out the default range for traceroute(*):
# "base+nhops*nqueries-1" (3434+64*3-1)
pass log out on egress inet proto udp to port 33433:33626 # for IPv4
pass log out on egress inet6 proto udp to port 33433:33626 # for IPv6
pass log quick on $ext_if inet proto {tcp, udp} from $localnet \
to port $udp_services
pass log on $ext_if inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types
pass log on $ext_if inet proto tcp from $localnet to port $client_out
pass log out proto tcp to port $tcp_services # establish keep-stat
pass log log proto udp to port $udp_services # Establish keep-state