On Thu, 23 Mar 2006 17:28:34 +1100, Steffen Kluge wrote: >I just noticed that a fresh 3.8 install doesn't contain the DST >exception that has been declared for Australia (NSW and ACT) this year,
And don't leave Tassie of the map! >apparently to accommodate the Commonwealth Games. So don't leave Victoria off either! > >This year, daylight savings won't be turned back on the last Sunday in >March, as usual, but a week later on the 1st of April. Ahh, 2nd of April. > >Just thought somebody in Oz (NSW and ACT) might care. Back on 25 January this year I sent an email to this list titled "Daylight saving time changes for Eastern parts of Australia" offering a copy of the zonefile to anybody who needed it. Nobody replied. > >I copied the /usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/NSW file from a Linux box to >my OpenBSD machines, as well as a bunch of Solaris boxes, and all is >well. > >Proper handling of DST can be checked by running "zdump -v -c 2007 >Australia/NSW". or Sydney or Melbourne, Canberra, Hobart, Victoria, Tasmania, Adelaide, South or whatever you use that is affected > >Cheers >Steffen. > > >From the land "down under": Australia. Do we look <umop apisdn> from up over? Do NOT CC me - I am subscribed to the list. Replies to the sender address will fail except from the list-server.