Is it very common for people to be running openbsd boxes under
virtualization and using an SR-IOV vf nic? I'm curious what cards people
are using.

It looks like the only available driver is iavf, for the Intel 700
cards? Are there any other drivers I missed?

We have some systems with Intel X550 cards in them, based on the 82599
chipset, which openbsd doesn't currently support. Yuichiro NAITO ported
a driver from netbsd:

We tested it under 7.3, and then an updated version for 7.4, and it's
been working great. At one point yasuoka@ had said he would review and
merge it, but it looks like that hasn't happened yet and I haven't heard
back the last couple of times I tried to ask him about it (I assume he's
busy with other things and don't want to bug him any more).

So I was just wondering if there are any other available drivers I might
have missed for other cards we might have, if anybody else was
interested in X550/82599 vf support, and if maybe any other dev might be
willing to take a look at it and possibly commit it.

Thanks much...

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