Le 13/02/2024 à 10:07, Manuel Giraud a écrit :
Joel Carnat <j...@carnat.net> writes:


I'm trying to configure relayd(8) to use tags, to allow legit host
names only and modify HTTP headers, and fallback. But I can't have it
working properly.

Using such a configuration:
table <primary>  { }
table <fallback> {}
http protocol www {
   match request header "Host" value "www.example" tag "example"
   pass request tagged "example" forward to <primary>

I've not tested it but maybe you're missing this last rule in the
previous block:

         pass request forward to <fallback>

That doesn't work either.

If I add it, with or without a tagged directive, it becomes the only effective rule (last matching rule?) and it never reaches the primary server.

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