For some time, my /var/log/messages has been filled with entries like: Dec 31 14:03:58 odin slaacd[56869]: last solicitation less then 4 seconds ago Dec 31 14:04:08 odin last message repeated 2 times Dec 31 15:50:07 odin slaacd[56869]: last solicitation less then 4 seconds ago Dec 31 15:50:17 odin last message repeated 2 times ...
Ad nauseum. The message comes from slaacd/engine.c's request_solicitation() function that limits solicitation requests to a defined interval. I think this is occurring in my case so often because of Thread networks: short-lived, ad-hoc mesh networks that come and go. It doesn't seem to happen all the time, but it's in line with the short-lived SLAAC addresses that my server gets, with 2 addresses per network that have a 1800s vltime. In general, it doesn't seem like these should really be warnings. The function is doing its job, and the nature of how IPv6 is used today means this behavior should be expected more. Hopefully this following change is agreeable? If anything, let's fix the then/than typo. (Apologies for the tabs/spaces...) diff --git a/sbin/slaacd/engine.c b/sbin/slaacd/engine.c index 07b818a6909..e8135e61c1e 100644 --- a/sbin/slaacd/engine.c +++ b/sbin/slaacd/engine.c @@ -1272,7 +1272,7 @@ request_solicitation(struct slaacd_iface *iface) clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now); timespecsub(&now, &iface->last_sol, &diff); if (timespeccmp(&diff, &sol_delay, <)) { - log_warnx("last solicitation less then %d seconds ago", + log_debug("last solicitation less than %d seconds ago", RTR_SOLICITATION_INTERVAL); return; } -Stefan