I don't have mine (EdgeRouter lite) running anymore, but IIRC, I had a cron job 
poking the root fs to"resolve" this.

Sth like "mkdir /bump && rmdir /bump && sync".


On January 12, 2024 2:35:47 PM GMT+01:00, Christian Gut <cycl...@is-root.org> 
>Could somebody point me to documentation or tell me where OpenBSD gets the 
>time from, when the system has no RTC and ntpd is not working?
>I am using an EdgeRouter / octeon and at every reboot, the date/time gets 
>reset to the exact same date.
>I tried to read the source code of boot(9) and inittodr(9). I can see, that 
>there seems to be a fallback to some timestamp that comes from the filesystem. 
>Maybe when the root filesystem is mounted as of ffs_mountroot() for example. 
>But my understanding did not go so far to identify from which file, directory, 
>superblock or other filesystem metadata the information really comes from.
>It seems to me, that either my system is broken or something on octeon does 
>not work correctly for this fallback to happen correctly.
>Kind Regards,

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