Mihai Popescu <mih...@gmail.com> writes:

[ removed elaborate instruction about going html from almost txt with
man pages ]

All this to jump in html boat? Or I got it wrong?
Are old man pages deprecated?

It can be convenient to have Web-based access to the man pages for systems or software that one isn't currently using (or that isn't already installed).

Gentoo is my daily driver, and as it turns out, the OpenBSD man pages are available as a package in the GURU repo, so i have that package installed to allow me to read those man pages on my Gentoo box:

$ man cat

will get me the man page for GNU coreutils 'cat', but:

$ man 1bsd cat

will get me the man page for OpenBSD's 'cat'.

In the absence of such packaging, a Web-based UI for reading the man pages of other systems can be really helpful (e.g. for checking what functionality is and isn't implemented in a given system's implementation of a particular program, for portability reasons).


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