On Tue, Nov 07, 2023 at 10:21:35AM +0100, Daniele B. wrote:
> Hello,
> Actually i'm not sure about the real benefits of it, and for a soho
> environment like mine but after 17 years I decided to take jumbo
> frame seriously.. and MTU values of my network equipment to 9018.
> I watched with happiness also to my old Mac having jumbo frame hard
> coded with MTU 9018 like second choise in the hardware settings.
> About OpenBSD (7.3 stable) the only thing I need to ask explanation
> for is the reason of the error "wrong MTU value" popping up by setting
> jumbo frame directly via hostame.mynicdevice; when the setting go
> smoothly up via ifconfig manually or by rc.local. Is the nic device
> initialization dependent on a sane 1500 MTU value, maybe?

Sorry this bug report lacks all important information.

a) what is your hostame.mynicdevice contents
b) where does the error pop up? neither netstart nor ifconfig contain the
word "wrong"
c) what interface are you playing with?

So we can't help you.
:wq Claudio

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