Hi folks,

since OpenBSD 7.4 the spamassassin filter seems to be broken. On
the first EMail opensmtpd dies with a message in maillog saying

Nov  5 08:59:23 mhost smtpd[60460]: bcc4f33a095bb28e smtp connected 
address=xx.xx.xx.xx host=mail.example.com
Nov  5 08:59:23 mhost filter-spamassassin[7782]: bcc4f33a095bb28e protocol 
report 0.7
Nov  5 08:59:23 mhost filter-spamassassin[7782]: exit
Nov  5 08:59:23 mhost smtpd[68513]: warn: lost processor: spamassassin exited 
Nov  5 08:59:23 mhost smtpd[68513]: Exiting

smtpd is configured according to /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/\
opensmtpd-filter-spamassassin (except for the tls option):

        xname = "mailhost.example.de"
        pki $xname cert         "/etc/ssl/example.de/fullchain.pem"
        pki $xname key          "/etc/ssl/example.de/privkey.pem"
        pki $xname dhe          auto

        filter "spamassassin" proc-exec "filter-spamassassin"

        listen on all tls pki $xname filter "spamassassin"
        listen on socket filter "spamassassin"

If I kick out the tls stuff, it is still broken.

Can anybody reproduce this? Every helpful hint is highly


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