Chinese tech is great, Katherine! But I never used much of it except for a 
little Huawei 4G modem that my roommate gave me. I also love American tech. My 
favorite laptop is an HP. And of course I own an iPhone.

But for all the blessings of technology, it often gets misused and abused.

I don't have much to keep private; I pour out my heart and soul into poetry. 
But I'm still passionate about the right to privacy. Just like I was and still 
am passionate about freedom of speech and expression.

I've been forcibly committed for praying the rosary on the sidewalk, and then 
in the mental ward injected and detained for praying the rosary in the commons 

I've also been banned by Facebook and Instagram for speaking out against war.

I think there's something wrong with a system that silences people for trying 
to correct social/political bugs.

On Sat, Oct 28, 2023 at 22:26, Katherine Mcmillan 
<[](mailto:On Sat, Oct 28, 2023 at 22:26, Katherine Mcmillan 
<<a href=)> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I recommend looking into a power bank that leverages Qi 
> ( I have one that also has a 
> mini solar panel, you never know when you might need backup.
> Cheers,
> Katie
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> From: <> on behalf of Lucretia 
> <>
> Sent: 28 October 2023 04:52
> To: David <>; <>
> Subject: Re: iPhone Charging
> Attention : courriel externe | external email
>> It doesn't even need to be plugged in.
>> There have been instances where the proximity of a mobile phone to a
>> computer has been sufficient to access ...
> I don't have much to hide, but I love learning about security. We learned 
> very little about practical security during my four years as an infosec 
> major, it was mostly the bureacratic paperwork type stuff.
> I'm interested in learning, especially as relates to OpenBSD in particular, 
> if you have and not-too-technical resources for me.
> I try to do a decent job of locking things down, but I'm far from paranoid 
> about it. I've had my phone hacked by malicious people in the past. I was 
> target because I had a high profile social media presence during the days of 
> Google+ being a thing.

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