On Mon, Mar 20, 2006 at 10:37:42AM -0800, Donald J. Ankney wrote:
> I threw together a Perl script that uses tar and external firewire 
> drives. Tar has flags that will let it backup over SMB (for the windows 
> boxes) and one can always do use scp (via certificates) piped through 
> tar for remote linux/BSD boxes. I've been using this solution across 
> several platforms (all servers) for a year now, and it has worked well.

Amavisd has a very good algorithm for balancing backups. It is, sadly,
otherwise a bit of a pain to get going.

That said, it's very solid, and can even print pretty reports.


> Obi Okeke wrote:
> >An appeal to the Gods of OpenBSD!  Let me write up
> >front that I am most grateful for all that the OpenBSD
> >project has done.
> >
> >Some friends of mine need a backup solution that can
> >easily handle regular, automated backups from some M$
> >Win 2k and Linux workstations as well as an OpenBSD
> >3.8 based Samba file server that I had set up for them
> >a while ago. 
> >
> >I've used FreeBSD 5x running Bacula at another site,
> >but I am looking for an all OpenBSD solution so I
> >don't have to install another box running
> >FreeBSD/Bacula on their site since they already have 2
> >OBSD boxes up and running (perfectly thanks to OBSD) -
> >one for firewall/router/nat/squid and one for the
> >Samba fileserver.  I would like to add the backup
> >solution to the file server box since its not heavily
> >loaded at all.  Any recommendations would be greatly
> >appreciated.  Thanks in advance.
> >Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
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