Hi list, 

# 1
Since a couple months ago I started using CWM, at first it was a little weird 
to use but now I find it hard to come back to fluxbox or I3, my favorite 
WMs...but (always one), I'd like to set Xorg (not GTK), in a dark theme, dunno 
if that's even possible...I've been a *BSD / linux user since '96-98... Never 
asked myself if that can be done... Any clue?

# 2 

I've have a Lenovo Ideapad 14W, which I use mainly to pentesting, It works 
flawessly with OpenBSD...X, suspend, network...everything...but (again), I 
can't get the trackpad to work...There is a 70-synaptics.conf under 
/usr/X11R6/share/X11/xorg.conf.d, but I'm not sure if it has any effect at all. 
Again, any clue to start working on it?



PS... Upgrade to 7.4 flawless...not a single problem and so far seems that 
general performance is even better than 7.3, amazing.

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