If you document a switch, you are basically required to keep that
functionality around forever. Given that the OpenBSD devs don't like
these --options all that much, I don't see that happening. Submitting
a patch won't change that.

IMHO there's nothing wrong, if software can do more than itsĀ 
documentation shows. It's not like it breaks documented behavior.

On Mon, 2023-09-25 at 20:58 +0200, Marc Espie wrote:
> Don't rant that long.
> Sometimes, documentation and code get out-of-synch for a lot of
> reasons.
> - trying out stuff and documenting later.
> - plain forgetting to update the documentation.
> - having some stuff for a transition period, and then killing it.
> Your point that stuff that stays around, should ideally be
> documented,
> is a good point.
> Now, you gotta realize that people have limited time to do
> everything.
> In general, patches are welcome.
> In my long tenure on various tools, I've learnt that documenting
> stuff is always always a good idea: if you get a new feature BUT
> you can't explain it cleanly, then you should go back to the
> drawing-board !

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