> On Mon, Mar 20, 2006 at 01:00:57AM +0100, OpenBSD Prospect wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > I was wondering, if anybody knows, if / when the embedded fingerprint 
> > reader 
> > of certain ThinkPad notebooks (like in my T42p) will be supported in 
> > OpenBSD, 
> > since UPEK already officially supports Linux & FreeBSD 
> > (http://www.upek.com/support/dl_freeBSD_bsp.asp)?
> > 
> > I assume, quite some OpenBSD devs are using ThinkPads as well, and being a 
> > security centered OS, it would make sense to have full use of equipment. ;-)
> > 
> > I am not a coder, so I have no idea, if it helps in any way, that a FreeBSD 
> > driver is available. If not, is any of the devs in contact with UPEK 
> > concerning expanding support to OpenBSD?
> The library and PAM module they provide are both binary only
> with no hardware documentation.  This is of no use to us.

Jonathan, I am sure he knew that, because I am sure he downloaded them
and at least looked at them.

For those people who are happy with binary modules, I urge them to
stick to Windows or Linux where they will be far more happy.

For those people, being happy is just about accepting the compromises
you have made.

In that sense I am happy too.  I don't accept the compromise of vendor
lock-in, so I am totally thrilled with whatever devices manage to we
get to work.

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