On 8/9/23 00:27, Daniele B. wrote:
Just pushing myself over any device limit..
I just searched the App Stores for "Unix" and related ones
and wondering if we can hope to have an "OpenBSD Doc"
app beside a "FreeBSD Doc" app anytime soon?
Anyone's offer? Yes I'm talking to you.. ;D
Nothing stopping you from writing one. About the only thing you can't
do without prior permission is imply any sort of "official" status for
said software. Mark it clearly as being an unofficial third-party tool,
and you shouldn't have any problems legally. (If in doubt, consult a
Having one that pulls the latest docs from a CVS mirror then renders
them on the fly could be nice I guess if done well. If done poorly,
it'll be a nightmare for all concerned (CVS mirror admins included).
Another option might be to pull the docs from the Github mirror. Sure,
won't be 100% latest, since the official upstream is CVS with the Github
mirror a "best effort" secondary concern… but at least if you hammer it
with a poorly written client, it'll be Microsoft's problem not an issue
for the OpenBSD mirror admins.
The rest of us can just use the website or man pages the way we've
always done.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)
I haven't lost my mind...
...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.