Hi everyone,
I'm a new openbsd user trying to learn openbsd and use it as my daily  
driver. I'm facing an issue with local video playback where the screen
gets stuck whenever I try to play any video and the only option I have
is to force reboot the system using the power button.
I want to debug and fix the issue however I'm unable to figure out
where to start and what to check. It would be of great help if you
could point me out in the right direction.

Here is the softwares that I've used - 
window manager - cwm
video player - mpv, vlc

The video playback on the browser(firefox) works perfectly fine

Here is the dmesg -
OpenBSD 7.3 (GENERIC.MP) #3: Tue Jul 25 08:20:26 MDT 2023
real mem = 8241840128 (7860MB)
avail mem = 7972634624 (7603MB)
random: good seed from bootblocks
mpath0 at root
scsibus0 at mpath0: 256 targets
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 3.4 @ 0x8f0a3000 (79 entries)
bios0: vendor LENOVO version "R1SET44W(1.15)" date 10/11/2022
bios0: LENOVO 21E6S05E00
efi0 at bios0: UEFI 2.7
efi0: Lenovo rev 0x1150
acpi0 at bios0: ACPI 6.3
acpi0: sleep states S0 S4 S5
acpi0: wakeup devices PEG0(S4) PEGP(S4) PEGP(S4) PEG2(S4) PEGP(S4) GLAN(S4) 
XHCI(S3) XDCI(S4) HDAS(S4) CNVW(S4) RP01(S4) PXSX(S4) RP02(S4) PXSX(S4) 
PXSX(S4) RP04(S4) [...]
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
acpihpet0 at acpi0: 19200000 Hz
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee00000: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-1215U, 1197.29 MHz, 06-9a-04
cpu0: 48KB 64b/line 12-way D-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way I-cache, 1MB 64b/line 
10-way L2 cache, 10MB 64b/line 10-way L3 cache
cpu0: smt 0, core 0, package 0
mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support, 10 var ranges, 88 fixed ranges
cpu0: apic clock running at 38MHz
cpu0: mwait min=64, max=64, C-substates=, IBE
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 1 (application processor)
cpu1: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-1215U, 1197.28 MHz, 06-9a-04
cpu1: 48KB 64b/line 12-way D-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way I-cache, 1MB 64b/line 
10-way L2 cache, 10MB 64b/line 10-way L3 cache
cpu1: smt 1, core 0, package 0
cpu2 at mainbus0: apid 8 (application processor)
cpu2: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-1215U, 1197.28 MHz, 06-9a-04
cpu2: 48KB 64b/line 12-way D-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way I-cache, 1MB 64b/line 
10-way L2 cache, 10MB 64b/line 10-way L3 cache
cpu2: smt 0, core 4, package 0
cpu3 at mainbus0: apid 9 (application processor)
cpu3: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-1215U, 1197.28 MHz, 06-9a-04
cpu3: 48KB 64b/line 12-way D-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way I-cache, 1MB 64b/line 
10-way L2 cache, 10MB 64b/line 10-way L3 cache
cpu3: smt 1, core 4, package 0
cpu4 at mainbus0: apid 16 (application processor)
cpu4: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-1215U, 897.94 MHz, 06-9a-04
cpu4: 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 64KB 64b/line 8-way I-cache, 2MB 64b/line 
16-way L2 cache, 10MB 64b/line 10-way L3 cache
cpu4: smt 0, core 8, package 0
cpu5 at mainbus0: apid 18 (application processor)
cpu5: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-1215U, 897.93 MHz, 06-9a-04
cpu5: 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 64KB 64b/line 8-way I-cache, 2MB 64b/line 
16-way L2 cache, 10MB 64b/line 10-way L3 cache
cpu5: smt 0, core 9, package 0
cpu6 at mainbus0: apid 20 (application processor)
cpu6: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-1215U, 897.93 MHz, 06-9a-04
cpu6: 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 64KB 64b/line 8-way I-cache, 2MB 64b/line 
16-way L2 cache, 10MB 64b/line 10-way L3 cache
cpu6: smt 0, core 10, package 0
cpu7 at mainbus0: apid 22 (application processor)
cpu7: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-1215U, 897.93 MHz, 06-9a-04
cpu7: 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 64KB 64b/line 8-way I-cache, 2MB 64b/line 
16-way L2 cache, 10MB 64b/line 10-way L3 cache
cpu7: smt 0, core 11, package 0
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 2 pa 0xfec00000, version 20, 120 pins
acpimcfg0 at acpi0
acpimcfg0: addr 0xc0000000, bus 0-255
acpiec0 at acpi0
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 0 (PC00)
acpiprt1 at acpi0: bus 1 (PEG0)
acpiprt2 at acpi0: bus -1 (PEG2)
acpiprt3 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP01)
acpiprt4 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP02)
acpiprt5 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP03)
acpiprt6 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP04)
acpiprt7 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP05)
acpiprt8 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP06)
acpiprt9 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP07)
acpiprt10 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP08)
acpiprt11 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP09)
acpiprt12 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP10)
acpiprt13 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP11)
acpiprt14 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP12)
acpiprt15 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP13)
acpiprt16 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP14)
acpiprt17 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP15)
acpiprt18 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP16)
acpiprt19 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP17)
acpiprt20 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP18)
acpiprt21 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP19)
acpiprt22 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP20)
acpiprt23 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP21)
acpiprt24 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP22)
acpiprt25 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP23)
acpiprt26 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP24)
acpiprt27 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP25)
acpiprt28 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP26)
acpiprt29 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP27)
acpiprt30 at acpi0: bus -1 (RP28)
acpiprt31 at acpi0: bus 2 (TRP0)
acpipci0 at acpi0 PC00: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x00000001
acpithinkpad0 at acpi0: version 2.0
acpiac0 at acpi0: AC unit offline
acpibat0 at acpi0: BAT0 model "LNV-5B10X02594" serial  9733 type LiP oem 
"PNP0C60" at acpi0 not configured
"LEN0111" at acpi0 not configured
"LEN0100" at acpi0 not configured
"INTC1046" at acpi0 not configured
"INTC1046" at acpi0 not configured
"INTC1046" at acpi0 not configured
"INTC1046" at acpi0 not configured
"LEN0130" at acpi0 not configured
"ACPI000E" at acpi0 not configured
pchgpio0 at acpi0 GPI0 addr 0xfd6e0000/0x10000 0xfd6d0000/0x10000 
0xfd6a0000/0x10000 0xfd690000/0x10000 irq 14, 360 pins
acpibtn0 at acpi0: SLPB
acpicpu0 at acpi0: C3(200@1048 mwait.1@0x60), C2(350@127 mwait.1@0x21), 
C1(1000@1 mwait.1), PSS
acpicpu1 at acpi0: C3(200@1048 mwait.1@0x60), C2(350@127 mwait.1@0x21), 
C1(1000@1 mwait.1), PSS
acpicpu2 at acpi0: C3(200@1048 mwait.1@0x60), C2(350@127 mwait.1@0x21), 
C1(1000@1 mwait.1), PSS
acpicpu3 at acpi0: C3(200@1048 mwait.1@0x60), C2(350@127 mwait.1@0x21), 
C1(1000@1 mwait.1), PSS
acpicpu4 at acpi0: C3(200@1048 mwait.1@0x60), C2(350@127 mwait.1@0x21), 
C1(1000@1 mwait.1), PSS
acpicpu5 at acpi0: C3(200@1048 mwait.1@0x60), C2(350@127 mwait.1@0x21), 
C1(1000@1 mwait.1), PSS
acpicpu6 at acpi0: C3(200@1048 mwait.1@0x60), C2(350@127 mwait.1@0x21), 
C1(1000@1 mwait.1), PSS
acpicpu7 at acpi0: C3(200@1048 mwait.1@0x60), C2(350@127 mwait.1@0x21), 
C1(1000@1 mwait.1), PSS
acpicpu8 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 8
acpicpu9 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 9
acpicpu10 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 10
acpicpu11 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 11
acpicpu12 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 12
acpicpu13 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 13
acpicpu14 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 14
acpicpu15 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 15
acpicpu16 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 16
acpicpu17 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 17
acpicpu18 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 18
acpicpu19 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 19
acpicpu20 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 20
acpicpu21 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 21
acpicpu22 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 22
acpicpu23 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 23
acpicpu24 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 24
acpicpu25 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 25
acpicpu26 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 26
acpicpu27 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 27
acpicpu28 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 28
acpicpu29 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 29
acpicpu30 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 30
acpicpu31 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 31
acpicpu32 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 32
acpicpu33 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 33
acpicpu34 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 34
acpicpu35 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 35
acpicpu36 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 36
acpicpu37 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 37
acpicpu38 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 38
acpicpu39 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 39
acpicpu40 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 40
acpicpu41 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 41
acpicpu42 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 42
acpicpu43 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 43
acpicpu44 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 44
acpicpu45 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 45
acpicpu46 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 46
acpicpu47 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 47
acpicpu48 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 48
acpicpu49 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 49
acpicpu50 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 50
acpicpu51 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 51
acpicpu52 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 52
acpicpu53 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 53
acpicpu54 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 54
acpicpu55 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 55
acpicpu56 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 56
acpicpu57 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 57
acpicpu58 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 58
acpicpu59 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 59
acpicpu60 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 60
acpicpu61 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 61
acpicpu62 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 62
acpicpu63 at acpi0: no cpu matching ACPI ID 63
"PNP0C14" at acpi0 not configured
"PNP0C14" at acpi0 not configured
"INT33A1" at acpi0 not configured
acpibtn1 at acpi0: LID_
"PNP0C14" at acpi0 not configured
"PNP0C14" at acpi0 not configured
"PNP0C14" at acpi0 not configured
"PNP0C14" at acpi0 not configured
"PNP0C14" at acpi0 not configured
"PNP0C14" at acpi0 not configured
acpibtn2 at acpi0: PWRB
"PNP0C0B" at acpi0 not configured
"INTC1041" at acpi0 not configured
tpm0 at acpi0 TPM_ 2.0 (TIS) addr 0xfed40000/0x5000, device 0x001d15d1 rev 0x36
"USBC000" at acpi0 not configured
acpipwrres0 at acpi0: PXP_, resource for PEG0, PEGP, MINI
acpipwrres1 at acpi0: PXP_, resource for PEG2
acpipwrres2 at acpi0: PUBS, resource for XHCI
acpipwrres3 at acpi0: BTRT
acpipwrres4 at acpi0: PXTC
acpipwrres5 at acpi0: WRST
acpipwrres6 at acpi0: PXP_, resource for RP08
acpipwrres7 at acpi0: PXP_, resource for RP09, PXSX, MINI
acpipwrres8 at acpi0: TBT0, resource for TDM0, TRP0, TRP1
acpipwrres9 at acpi0: TBT1, resource for TDM1, TRP2, TRP3
acpipwrres10 at acpi0: PIN_
acpipwrres11 at acpi0: PINP
acpivideo0 at acpi0: GFX0
acpivout0 at acpivideo0: DD1F
acpivout1 at acpivideo0: DD2F
cpu0: Enhanced SpeedStep 1197 MHz: speeds: 2501, 2500, 2300, 2200, 2000, 1900, 
1700, 1600, 1400, 1200, 1100, 1000, 800, 700, 500, 400 MHz
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0
0:31:5: mem address conflict 0xfe010000/0x1000
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "Intel Core 12G Host" rev 0x04
inteldrm0 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 "Intel Graphics" rev 0x0c
drm0 at inteldrm0
inteldrm0: msi, ALDERLAKE_P, gen 12
"Intel Core 12G DTT" rev 0x04 at pci0 dev 4 function 0 not configured
ppb0 at pci0 dev 6 function 0 "Intel Core 12G PCIE" rev 0x04: msi
pci1 at ppb0 bus 1
nvme0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 vendor "Kioxia", unknown product 0x000c rev 
0x00: msix, NVMe 1.4
nvme0: KBG5AZNT512G LA KIOXIA, firmware 1107ANLA, serial 82JPF00TQBGK
scsibus1 at nvme0: 2 targets, initiator 0
sd0 at scsibus1 targ 1 lun 0: <NVMe, KBG5AZNT512G LA, 1107>
sd0: 488386MB, 512 bytes/sector, 1000215216 sectors
ppb1 at pci0 dev 7 function 0 "Intel Core 12G PCIE" rev 0x04: msi
pci2 at ppb1 bus 2
"Intel Core 12G GNA" rev 0x04 at pci0 dev 8 function 0 not configured
"Intel Core 12G CL" rev 0x01 at pci0 dev 10 function 0 not configured
xhci0 at pci0 dev 13 function 0 "Intel Core 12G xHCI" rev 0x04: msi, xHCI 1.20
usb0 at xhci0: USB revision 3.0
uhub0 at usb0 configuration 1 interface 0 "Intel xHCI root hub" rev 3.00/1.00 
addr 1
"Intel Core 12G TBT" rev 0x04 at pci0 dev 13 function 2 not configured
"Intel Core 12G TBT" rev 0x04 at pci0 dev 13 function 3 not configured
xhci1 at pci0 dev 20 function 0 "Intel 600 Series xHCI" rev 0x01: msi, xHCI 1.20
usb1 at xhci1: USB revision 3.0
uhub1 at usb1 configuration 1 interface 0 "Intel xHCI root hub" rev 3.00/1.00 
addr 1
"Intel 600 Series SRAM" rev 0x01 at pci0 dev 20 function 2 not configured
iwx0 at pci0 dev 20 function 3 "Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX211" rev 0x01, msix
dwiic0 at pci0 dev 21 function 0 "Intel 600 Series I2C" rev 0x01: apic 2 int 27
iic0 at dwiic0
dwiic1 at pci0 dev 21 function 2 "Intel 600 Series I2C" rev 0x01: apic 2 int 29
iic1 at dwiic1
"Intel 600 Series HECI" rev 0x01 at pci0 dev 22 function 0 not configured
pcib0 at pci0 dev 31 function 0 "Intel 600 Series eSPI" rev 0x01
azalia0 at pci0 dev 31 function 3 "Intel 600 Series HD Audio" rev 0x01: msi
azalia0: codecs: Realtek ALC257
audio0 at azalia0
ichiic0 at pci0 dev 31 function 4 "Intel 600 Series SMBus" rev 0x01: apic 2 int 
iic2 at ichiic0
"Intel 600 Series SPI" rev 0x01 at pci0 dev 31 function 5 not configured
em0 at pci0 dev 31 function 6 "Intel I219-V" rev 0x01: msi, address 
isa0 at pcib0
isadma0 at isa0
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5 irq 1 irq 12
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard
pms0 at pckbc0 (aux slot)
wsmouse0 at pms0 mux 0
pms0: Elantech Clickpad, version 4, firmware 0x5f3001
wsmouse1 at pms0 mux 0
pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61
spkr0 at pcppi0
wbsio0 at isa0 port 0x4e/2: W83627THF rev 0x27
efifb at mainbus0 not configured
ugen0 at uhub1 port 6 "vendor 0x27c6 product 0x550a" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
uvideo0 at uhub1 port 7 configuration 1 interface 0 " Integrated Camera" rev 
2.01/0.11 addr 3
video0 at uvideo0
ugen1 at uhub1 port 7 configuration 1 " Integrated Camera" rev 2.01/0.11 addr 3
ugen2 at uhub1 port 10 "Intel Bluetooth" rev 2.01/0.00 addr 4
vscsi0 at root
scsibus2 at vscsi0: 256 targets
softraid0 at root
scsibus3 at softraid0: 256 targets
softraid0: sd1 was not shutdown properly
sd1 at scsibus3 targ 1 lun 0: <OPENBSD, SR CRYPTO, 006>
sd1: 488126MB, 512 bytes/sector, 999682111 sectors
root on sd1a (5145609bac32ce61.a) swap on sd1b dump on sd1b
WARNING: / was not properly unmounted
inteldrm0: 1920x1080, 32bpp
wsdisplay0 at inteldrm0 mux 1: console (std, vt100 emulation), using wskbd0
wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (std, vt100 emulation)
iwx0: hw rev 0x370, fw 77.f92b5fed.0, pnvm 64acdc51, address a0:29:42:73:5a:55
Process (pid 1) got signal 31

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