On 2023-08-22, dues_openbsd <dues_open...@proton.me> wrote:
> hi, dears.
> recently, I get the email by friends
> it says Github has openbsd_hammer2fs and makefs.

yes, seen that in january. kusumi (who is working on hammer2 in
dragonfly and has accounts there+netbsd) has diffs for *read-only*
hammer2 on freebsd/netbsd/openbsd, i'm not aware of it being
done with reference to openbsd devs however.

> Is that means. It will be "The OpenBSD can use The Modern journaling file 
> system".
> The OpenBSD could be include "openbsd_hammer2fs" in default system?

all it means at the moment is "there's some code on github".

> (I know "google summer code 2011" says "hammer2fs will be in OpenBSD ". but, 
> rejected, is that correct?)

i don't recall the details though looking at the proposal now, i think
the suggest timescale is rather optimistic.

> https://github.com/kusumi/openbsd_hammer2
> https://github.com/kusumi/makefs

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