On Sun, Aug 13, 2023 at 06:27:20PM +0200, Peter J. Philipp wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering two things currently, both having to do with QEMU on OpenBSD.
> I noticed in my QEMU that is running OpenBSD that it is supporting the
> H-extension.  The H is hypervisor.  Does this mean that there is support
> emulated for hypervisor host and guest in QEMU?  Also is there any efforts to
> implement this where I can be an observer?

I believe they have some support for that.

There is no hardware currently available that has it though, from what I know.
There is an FPGA core you can implement on a suitably large dev board though,
but you'd be a 1-off.

When you say "implement this", what do you mean?

> I saw somewhere that newer QEMU support RV128 cpu emulation.  While this
> is something for 20 years from now perhaps, I'm still curious if anyone is
> considering a port to the RV128, or is at least turned on by the thought of 
> it.


> Unfortunately I believe the RV128 isn't intended for an 128 bit address space
> but has something planned for partitioning it in half so it will be 64 bit
> space.  With the other 64 bit for something security related.
> Also I'd like to say that I have my first piece of RV64 hardware for a few
> weeks now and it can run linux ubuntu.  It's a Mango Pi which is the same
> form factor as a RPI zero.  I also donated one to a developer so perhaps we'll
> see OpenBSD running on it one day.  In half a dozen weeks or so I'm 
> considering
> getting my second RV64 computer, which will be somewhat of a visionfive 2-like
> SBC for a router.  Not sure which yet, though, let's see who can deliver in
> October.
> Next year I'd like to invest into a larger RV64 computer for workstation. As
> you can see I'm starting to get a bit serious around Risc-V

get a milk-v pioneer then, it's the biggest you can currently buy.

> Best Regards,
> -peter
> --
> Over thirty years experience on Unix-like Operating Systems starting with QNX.

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