Hello community, I would like to ask if it's possible to develop a tool similar to Volatility in the future or a specific integration for OpenBSD. Along with a tool that can perform RAM dumping. However, could this potentially make the kernel vulnerable?
In my opinion, even though I'm not a developer, it would be desirable to have a proper kernel interface for performing the dump. Something that is maintained directly by the development team to prevent the software team from constantly keeping up with changes in every new kernel release. I believe we need to realize that, while the kernel is very secure, zero-day vulnerabilities are always a lurking threat. For those that don't know what is volatility, this is github page https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/volatility3 I hope Theo doesn't get angry, as I'm a very sensitive person, and if someone offends me or makes fun of me, it really upsets me. regards WhistleX