For some reason I didn't get reply from Stuart to my inbox. Its on the mailing lists though.
Thank you for your reply. I guess there are no solutions to run VMs with a graphical interface yet. Unless, I run qemu and vnc to a VM. On Monday, July 24, 2023 at 09:21:58 p.m. GMT+9, All <> wrote: Hi, I have installed libvirtd and virt-manager on 7.3. It seems not matter what I do, libvirtd doesn't not want to start. It always errors with no such group "root". I have changed unix_group to wheel and tried staff also, but it seems no matter which group I specify in .conf files (libvirtd.conf, qemu.conf, etc) it complains about "root" group. Did anyone managed to run libvirtd under Openbsd?