Hi there,

We would be happy to be included on your list as a German provider of OpenBSD 
courses and consulting. Here is the completed template:

C Germany
P Baden-Württemberg
T Nürnberg
Z D-90411
O New Elements / IT-Schulungen.com
I Dr. Gerd Theobald
A Thurn-und-Taxis-Str. 10
M i...@it-schulungen.com
U https://www.it-schulungen.com/seminare/serversysteme/unix/openbsd/index.html
B +49 911 6500-8222
X +49 911 650083-99
N IT-Schulungen has been offering training and consulting on various topics 
such as OpenBSD, UNIX and other open source topics for over 15 years.

Thanks a lot!



Dr. Gerd Theobald
Marketing Consultant

phone +49-177 7543098
fax        +49-911-65008-399

Education Center der New Elements GmbH
Thurn-und-Taxis-Straße 10
90411 Nürnberg

Seminare mit gesicherten 
Terminen<https://www.it-schulungen.com/top-angebote.html> I Neuigkeiten und 
Angebote<https://newsletter.newelements.de/> I
Geschäftsführer: Atasoy Altinci, Michael Deinhard Dipl.-Kfm. (Uni) I 
Amtsgericht Nürnberg HRB 25042 I USt-IdNr.: DE263750718

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